Friday, December 17, 2010

The Second Inning!!!

The world around me is heading rapidly towards future but I choose to stand here and reflect upon my past and observe the world around me. I have never been a good writer, but I am learning. Some people also call me good observer. I started writing a blog long time back, but couldn’t make it beyond two write ups. Perhaps, because of my laziness and the fear of judgment. But that’s a thing of past now. From now onwards, I am determined to bring the change – in me and society, of course J. So, here’s to my “Second Inning”.

This blog would be a platform to share thoughts, opinions, believe, inspirations and everything we observe around us. I am looking forward to maximum participation from readers and to be the indispensible member of my “Coffee Table”. I want you to share your honest and valuable opinions with me. So, I cordially invite you to comment, compliment, criticize or appreciate my not so good write ups.

It will be an honor for me if you guys would dig out some time from your busy schedule for reading my blog. Please pray to god that my “Second Inning” never ends and I keep posting updates for you guys to keep reading and respond.

I would now take a leave and will come back soon with something I really believe in. Thanks for tolerating me and staying with me till now, hope you will there each time I write. Till then good bye & take care.




  1. nice one :).....lookin forward for more....

  2. i hope your "Second Inning" never ends....

  3. all the best for you 2nd innings ! :-)

  4. Alot can happen over a coffee and im sure with same spirit you will bring the "change for good".best of luck.stay blessed.

  5. Love the theme n spirit.. i wish u all d best!

  6. @ all: thanks a ton for your great support!!!
    would surely keep posting new write ups!!!
    @ arshi: special thanks to you for always helping me out!!! you have been a great support!!! :)

  7. gud job impress....n i like ur effort...gud luck buddy...gud going..."the coffee table" innovative name..n 1 more think...change the font color of heading box..actually not readable... :)

  8. hey kinshuk... firstly m so sorry tht cudnt help u with the name suggestion... but i must say its a great name... and yea its like amazing to see tht one of us is atleast coming up in the right spirit towards the career... kewl buddy... n yea... luv u lots... n wish u ol the very best for the coffee table...n dont be lazy this time....

  9. @ pj: sure are always a dear friend...and yes i wont be lazy this time...luv you too dear....u r a great friend!!!

  10. nice thought n a step towards progress, if executed well.... best of luck!

  11. Hey Kinshuik ...........Great job ...I am impressed by your work . Its so well written and oganized . All the best for your future and success of your second innings

  12. Hey Mahi, thanks for you support, and now i have one international reader!!! :P
